COVID-19 Doctor Notes

Get a doctor's note in minutes for work, school, or travel.
Request a Doctor's Note

All Doctors Are Licensed to Practice in the U.S.

When you schedule an appointment you get direct access to a U.S. board-certified medical doctor.

Flexible Scheduling & Same-Day Appointments

Schedule online, get an appointment quickly, and attend your appointment without leaving your home.

Premium Care Without Premium Prices

$20 first visit & subscription plans starting at $10/mo – this is what affordable health care looks like.

Get Your COVID-19 Doctor's Note for Work in Minutes

Due to CDC protocols, many employers require a note from a doctor to return to work after COVID-19 exposure or infection, or to get time off from work due to exposure or infection. Through DocReady, you can get a doctor's note for work in minutes online without leaving the comfort of your home. It's hands down the easiest way to get a doctor's note for work.
Get a doctor's note in minutes
Perfect for work, school, or travel
No stuffy waiting rooms or travel required
No additional testing required

Related Symptoms & Conditions We Treat

Our COVID-19 Doctor Notes services are a great fit for the following symptoms and conditions. If you don’t see your symptom or condition here, we can still help you.

How It Works

DocReady is fast and simple. No lengthy booking process, clipboards of paperwork, or sickness-filled waiting rooms.

Request a Doctor's Note

Purchase a doctor's note package and fill out our online questionnaire.

We Review Your Request

We review your information and schedule a telehealth appointment if necessary.

Get Your Note

Once your note is approved it's delivered to you the same day.

our doctors

Meet Our Expert Medical Team for COVID-19 Doctor Notes Appointments

Our COVID-19 Doctor Notes services are provided by our experienced team of U.S. Board-Certified doctors and care providers.

Ali Chaudhary

MDABEM Certified

Adnan Ekram

MDABFM Certified

Mohammad Anwar

MDABEM Certified

Faiyaz Ahmed

MDABIM Certified

Get Your Doctor's Note Today in Minutes!

DocReady is fast, convenient, and easy. In just minutes, you can have a doctor's note for work sent to your email.
Request a Doctor's Note